Laptop on table in workspace with a blue background.

My Favorite Gif

From Total Recall – a very inspiring image! I would like this tool to be invented now. This image captures the impossible ideal of PointPolish – everything happens instantly and effortlessly with great technology. I also love how it’s moving left and going red – it gives me hope for the future!

Excerpt from an interview with political theorist Jodi Dean:

I don’t think that the technology people are melancholic. They have tended to be always looking to the future, to every new gadget, and really optimistic, for at least the last 20 years or so. The problem is that much of that optimism is really libertarian, really individualistic, and also associated with the market. It’s almost like remnants of the dot-com bubble still circulate or reappear around new media people. Enthusiasm is there, but it’s not political. It’s a different kind of enthusiasm.

What the technology folks could learn from a Marxist Left is to be more critical of the relations of production that their utopian tendencies presuppose. Or, really, to be more critical of capitalism in general.

What the Left needs to learn from the technology people is this sense that “there’s always a work-around, there’s always a solution, that we can fix this.”
